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Robert H. Topel Prof. Alternative spellings: Robert Topel
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Chicago. Graduate School of Business University of Chicago National Bureau of Economic Research University of California Los Angeles. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (9) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (9) Working paper series (7) NBER-Conference Report (2) A National Bureau of Economic Research conference report (1) National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report (1) NBER-Studies in Income and Wealth (1) Studies in income and wealth (1) National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth (1) Wage inequality (1) A National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report (1) Occasional paper / Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual congress of the European Economic Association (1)