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Gangnes, Byron Klein, Lawrence Robert Vernon, Heidi Shachmurove, Yochanan Behrman, Jere R. Duggal, Vijaya G. Park, Innwon Prazmowski, Peter A. Eguchi, H. Siwaraksa, Subhak Boldin, Michael David Shishido, Shuntarō Huang, Gene Ichino, Yasukazu Meyer zu Schlochtern, Franciscus J. M. Vernon-Wortzel, Heidi Kendrick, D Duroc-Danner, Bernard J. Beltrán del Rio, Abel Alanis-Garza, Mario Reisen, Helmut Nobukuni, Makoto Faulhaber, Gerald R. Shinozaki, Akihiko Vial, Joaquín Wachter, Susan M. Gangnes, Byron Behrman, Jack N. Hickman, Bert G. Behrman, Jere R. Glickman, Norman J. Griffin, James M. Klein, Sonia A. Eguchi, H. Meyer-zu-Schlochtern, F. J. Kumasaka, Yuzo Shabbir, Tayyeb Davis, IngerMarie Paelinck, Jean H. P. Kidane Mengisteab Pindyck, R.S Welfe, W Felipe, Jesus Dagenais, M.G Adams, Francis Balestra, P Gupta, Satya Dev Marquez, J Bedard, Jean C. James, William E. Ichimura, Shinʾichi Haque, M. Ohidul Anh Le Tran Chen, YiMin Yang, Jichung Ciprut, Jose V. Krkoška, Libor All co-authors economic east development asian ostasien policy wirtschaftswachstum makroökonometrie macroeconometrics world growth business japan trade industry entwicklung economy policies lateinamerika entwicklungsländer china modeling commodity wirtschaftspolitik latin model econometric industrial industriepolitik united crisis new thailand study effects america globalization measuring practice developing perspective states impact analysis globalisierung wirtschaftskrise today forecasting consumption implications demand asia competitiveness production revolution transition empirical countries impacts simulation exports wirkungsanalyse entwicklungshilfe wirtschaftsreform asien entwicklungspolitik sparen energiekonsum rohstoffmarkt Ökonometrie tax nations global issues experience performance versus chinese imports productivity competitive elasticity estimation thai cge eastern europe capital japanese macro essays honor adams savings klein markets international systemtransformation finanzkrise energieprognose produktivität schätzung südostasien handelsliberalisierung militärausgaben finanzpolitik außenhandel aufsatzsammlung hasn stimulus effective debate fiscal arra foreign financial south gdp firm
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Francis Gerard Adams Alternative spellings: F. G. Adams Francis G. Adams Francis Adams F. Gerard Adams B: 1929 Breslau Biblio: Tätig am Economics Research Unit, University of Pennsylvania, der Old Dominion University USA und der Northeastern University, Boston, Mass.
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series The Wharton econometric studies series (4) Working paper series (2) Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia (2) NIRA output (1) Lexington books (1) The Wharton Econometric Studies series (1) Wharton econometric studies series (1) Wharton econometric studies series / Industrial policy studies (1) Wharton executive library (1) Fishman-Davidson discussion paper (1) NIRA research output (1) Advanced studies in theoretical and applied econometrics : ASTA (1) Routledge studies in Latin American politics (1) ... Pacific conference ... (1) Technical papers / OECD Development Centre (1) Pew studies in economics and security (1) International political economy series (1) The political economy of Latin America series (1) CARESS working paper (1) Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics (1) (OECD economic studies series) (1)