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300 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. In-work poverty in Europe : vulnerable and under-represented persons in a comparative perspective
abstractIn-work poverty is a reality for too many persons in the European Union (EU). Although everyone is in agreement that poverty must be reduced, rarely is there a specific focus on the plight of those who, despite working, are poor. This important book is the first to unreservedly meet the challenge of defining, measuring, and comparing the legal regimes to combat in-work poverty in Europe, fully attending to the strengths and shortcomings of indicators and allowing the assessment of comparative best practices among the Member States.
Blanpain, Roger; Hendrickx, Frank; Ratti, Luca; Hartzén, Ann-Christine;2022
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge
2. Collective bargaining for self-employed workers in Europe : approaches to reconcile competition law and labour rights
Waas, Bernd; Hießl, Christina; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger;2021
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge
3. Game changers in labour law : shaping the future of work
abstractGame Changers in Labour Law' is pursued in the spirit and with the methods of the late Emeritus Professor Roger Blanpain (1932-2016), a great reformer who continuously searched for key challenges in the world of work and looked as far as possible into the future, engaging in critical reflection and rethinking the design of labour law. While seeking to identify the main game changers, the authors explore new pathways and answers which may help to understand and shape the future of work. This book provides full and integrated insight into labour law and industrial relations
Hendrickx, Frank; De Stefano, Valerio; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger; Aleksynska, Mariya; Blanpain, Roger;2018
Type: Konferenzschrift; Festschrift; Gedächtnisschrift
4. American labor and the law : dormant, resurgent, and emergent problems
Finkin, Matthew W.; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger;2019
5. Transformations of work : challenges for the institutions and social actors
Casale, Giuseppe; Treu, Tiziano; Araki, Takashi; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger;2019
Type: Konferenzschrift; Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors;
6. The legal and institutional framing of collective bargaining in CEE countries : between Europeanisation and decentralisation
Palinkaš, Ivana; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger;2018
Type: Hochschulschrift;
7. Collective bargaining developments in times of crisis
Laulom, Sylvaine; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger; Berthier, Pierre-Emmanuel; Brameshuber, Elisabeth; Brockmann, Judith;2018
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge
8. European board-level employee representation : national variations in influence and power
abstractSurvey analyzes board-level employee representation in Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden
Waddington, Jeremy; Conchon, Aline; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger;2018
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge
9. Improving workplace quality : new perspectives and challenges for worker well-being
abstractTo be aggrieved by "misperception discrimination" in the workplace / D. Wendy Greene -- Work-life balance and the use of child-care leave by fathers serving in the military : the case of Konstantin Markin v. Russia / Elena Gerasimova -- Disability and age discrimination in employment: compliance of Russian law with international labour standards / Nikita L. Lyutov -- Psychosocial risk of harassment at work: comparative research of French and Italian experience with possible implications for Russia / Elena Synchenko -- Low-wage workers and employment benefits in the United States : a bleak forecast, Trina Jones -- The use of paternity leave in the private sector: the role of company-level welfare provisions / Maddalena Cannito -- Flexibility tools for part-time work: the Italian Jobs Act / Carla Spinelli -- Well-being and through digitial work? / Marco Tufo -- Improving return to work and disability management in the developing world: pointers emanating from international instruments, standards and guidelines / Marius Olivier & Avinash Govindjee -- Fit@work : the comprehensive health and well-being programme of the European Commision / Marius Olivier & Avinash Govindjee -- Company-level welfare and public policies in care services / Daniela Oliva & Giorgio Luigi Risso -- The adverse impact of unemployment on mental health in the province of Modena, Italy / Tindara Addaboo, Elena Sarti & Favrizio Starace
Bromwich, William; Rymkevich, Olga; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger; Addabbo, Tindara;2017
Type: Konferenzschrift; Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors;
10. Work-life balance in the modern workplace : interdisciplinary perspectives from work-family research, law and policy
Groof, Sarah de; Hendrickx, Frank; Blanpain, Roger; Barrio, Alberto;2017
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge