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Dasgupta, Partha Kriström, Bengt Arrow, Kenneth Joseph Zeeuw, Aart de Bergman, Lars Bojö, Jan Folke, Carl Unemo, Lena Xepapadeas, Anastasios Aniyar, Sara Vincent, Jeffrey R. Kaitala, Veijo Tulkens, Henry Li, Chuan-Zhong Jansson, Åsa Ståhl, Ingolf Barbier, Edward Johansson, Per-Olov Löfgren, Karl-Gustaf Perrings, Charles Crépin, Anne-Sophie Edin, Karl-Axel Vercelli, Alessandro Wyzga, Ronald Edward Hanna, Susan S. Heikensten, Lars St°ahl, Ingolf Johansson, Thomas B. Södersten, Jan Uzawa, Hirofumi Layard, Peter R. G. Tietenberg, Thomas H. Hasselmann, Klaus Hoel, Michael Agell, Jonas All co-authors environmental umweltökonomik economics economic development umwelt resource environment issues accounting umweltökonomie national policy wohlfahrtsökonomik umweltpolitik umweltschutz resources sustainable analysis international handbook ressourcenökonomik entwicklungsländer luftverschmutzung resilience approach pollution volume knowledge institutions umweltbelastung welfare wirtschaftswachstum schweden growth problems
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Karl-Göran Mäler Prof. Alternative spellings: Karl-Göran Markus Mäler Karl Göran Mäler K.-G. Mäler B: 3. März 1939 Sollefteå D: 20. Mai 2020Biblio: Schwed. Volkswirtschaftsprof., bis 2002 an der Handelshochschule Stockholm tätig; Schwerpunkt UmweltökonomiePlace of Activity: StockholmDeath Place:
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Beijerinstitutet
Publishing years Series Handbooks in economics (7) Research paper / Ekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (6) Nota di lavoro / Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (5) Research report (4) Beijer discussion paper series (3) The environment and emerging development issues (2) Working paper (2) The development economics research programme / DEP (2) Economy & environment : ECEN ; E & E (2) New horizons in environmental economics (2) Economy & Environment (2) Environmental and resource economics (1) Beijer reprint series (1) CORE discussion paper : DP (1) Working paper / Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (1) Research paper (1) World Bank environment paper (1) Production, economy and the environment (1) Rapport / Department of Forest Economics (1) Ecology, economy & environment : EE&E (1) UNU/WIDER studies in development economics (1) Working papers / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (1) Arbetsrapport / Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för Skogsekonomi (1) Studies in development economics (1) Development economics discussion paper series : DEDPS (1) Discussion paper / Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (1) Environmental & resource economics : the official journal of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (1) The economics of non-market goods and resources (1) The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources (1) Environment and development economics (1) Publications from the Environment Directorate (1)