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Apel, Mikael Vredin, Anders Jansson, Per Pisani-Ferry, Jean Lundgren, Stefan Bergman, Lars Ernhagen, Tomas Mishkin, Frederic S. Fuhrer, Jeffrey C. Borg, Anders Viñals Iñiguez, José María Aghion, Philippe Svensson, Lars E. O. Ahearne, Alan G. Hagen, Jürgen von Belka, Marek Mäler, Karl-Göran All co-authors schweden sweden geldpolitik inflationssteuerung policy monetary targeting och swedish area academics study inflation riksbank
Composed terms monetary policy inflation targeting euro area study swedish swedish inflation eu staaten eu countries central bank coming age age report report euro area inflationsmålspolitiken inflationsmålspolitiken finansiella finansiella stabiliteten stabiliteten och och riksbankens riksbankens direktion direktion kommentar kommentar till till lars lars svensson svensson monetary policy academics academics study targeting role role academics academics monetary policy study targeting thoughts thoughts develop develop riksbank riksbank monetary policy work work decade decade inflation targeting riksbank riksbank foreign foreign exchange exchange interventions interventions preparations preparations decisions decisions communication communication art art targeting targeting inflation inflation monetary
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Lars Heikensten Alternative spellings: L. Heikensten Biblio: Tätig an der Sveriges Riksbank; Tätig am Swedish Ministry of Finance
Publishing years Series Bruegel blueprint series (1)