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Gulati, Mitu Zettelmeyer, Jeromin Bolton, Patrick Panizza, Ugo Weder, Beatrice DeLong, Chanda Chabert, Guillaume Hsieh, Chang-tai Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier Allen, Franklin Carletti, Elena Pisani-Ferry, Jean Erce, Aitor Garzarelli, Francesco De Witte, Bruno Münchau, Wolfgang Patrin, Maria Zettelmeyer, Jeromin Saarenheimo, Tuomas Tomé Muguruza, Baudilio Vanberg, Georg Wieser, Thomas Schlosser, Pierre Zilioli, Chiara Lastra, Rosa M. Valla, Natacha Manuelides, Yannis Gray, Joanna Gulati, G. Mitu Véron, Nicolas Pagano, Marco Marcussen, Michala Löber, Klaus M. Gros, Daniel Giudice, Gabriele Gelpern, Anna Galli, Giampaolo Freis, James H. Erce, Aitor Constâncio, Vítor Bini-Smaghi, Lorenzo Makoff, Gregory Thompson, Robert B. All co-authors debt sovereign restructuring european law bonds crisis future schuldenmanagement countries financial borrowing public local article policy international umschuldung covid standstill institutions lending relief coronavirus creditors problems event
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Lee C. Buchheit Alternative spellings: Lee Buchheit B: 1950 Biblio: Clearly Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Profession Jurist
Affiliations Edinburgh Law School Columbia University. School of Law Centre for Commercial Law Studies (London)
Publishing years Series Geneva reports on the world economy (1) Policy insight (1) Peterson Institute for International Economics Working Paper (1) Working paper / PIIE, Peterson Institute for International Economics (1) Discussion papers / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (1) Duke Law School Legal Studies Paper (1) Special paper series / London School of Economics and Political Science, Financial Markets Group (1)