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Acharya, Viral V. Das, Sanjiv R. Banks, Jeffrey S. Dutta, Prajit K. Subrahmanyam, Marti G. Huang, Jing-Zhi John, Kose Yermack, David L. Brenner, Menachem Amihud, Yakov Kahan, Marcel Gupta, Sudip Mehran, Hamid Mukherjee, Saptarshi Iyer, Aaditya M. Majumdar, Mukul Sundaresan, Suresh M. Iyer, Aaditya El-Gamal, Mahmoud A. Lewis, Alain A. All co-authors model debt credit models fee rating derivatives options structure structures pricing
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Rangarajan K. Sundaram Alternative spellings: Rangarajan Sundaram Ranghu Sundaram Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Rochester (1996), an der Stern School of Business, New York Univ. (2002)
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Rochester Center for Economic Research working paper (11) NYU Working Paper (8) Working paper series / New York University, Salomon Center, Leonard N. Stern School of Business (7) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (5) NBER Working Paper (4) IFA working paper (4) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) Discussion papers / CEPR (2) CEPR Discussion Paper (1) The McGraw-Hill/Irwin series in finance, insurance, and real estate (1) AFA 2005 Philadelphia Meetings (1) The McGraw-Hill Irwin series in finance, insurance, and real estate (1) Discussion paper series / Department of Economics, Columbia University (1)