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Subrahmanyam, Marti G. Yermack, David L. Sundaram, Rangarajan K. Galai, Dan Sade, Orly Hauser, Shmuel Zhang, Jin E. Ou, Ernest Y. Augustin, Patrick Izhakian, Yehuda Izhakian, Yehuda (Yud) Eldor, Rafi Eom, Young Ho Grass, Gunnar Landskroner, Yoram Richardson, Matthew Acharya, Viral V. Lynch, Anthony W. Uno, Jun Courtadon, Georges Robert Engle, Robert F. Azoulay, Eddy Sokoler, Meir Orłowski, Piotr Shu, Jinghong Shraiber, Bentsi Stein, Roy sokoler, meir h Allen, Franklin Crouhy, Michel Zhang, Jin E. Eldor, Rafael Young, Ho Eom Eldor, Rafi (Rafael) Ruthenberg, David Gheva, David All co-authors options option stock price executive financial paper exchange market value derivat derivative evidence markets proposed börsenkurs new use israel exercise reset asset pricing overconfidence
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Menachem Brenner Alternative spellings: M. Brenner
Affiliations Leonard N. Stern School of Business ha-@Universịtah ha-ʿIvrit bi-Yerushalayim
Publishing years Series NYU Working Paper (9) Working paper series / New York University, Salomon Center, Leonard N. Stern School of Business (5) Working papers / Department of Economics (2) LawFin working paper (1) CFS working paper series (1) Monetary studies : discussion papers (1) Discussion paper series / School of Economics and Finance, the University of Hong Kong (1) Review of derivatives research (1) Equity markets (1)