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Schechter, Michael G. Hettne, Björn Jacobson, Harold Karan Curzon, Gerard Curzon Price, Victoria Nye, Joseph S. Scheinman, Lawrence Sewell, James Patrick Strange, Susan Grabendorff, Wolf Nitsch, Manfred Harrod, Jeffrey All co-authors world international weltordnung social power globalisierung globalization forces relations order political arbeitsbeziehungen weltwirtschaft global economic reflections production making labor states orders hegemony new plural critical morals civilization history studies brasilianische gewerkschaft universal foreigner individual crisis neoliberal radical changes british school
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Robert W. Cox Prof. Alternative spellings: R. W. Cox Robert Cox B: 18. September 1926 Montréal D: 9. Oktober 2018Place of Activity: Toronto
Profession Politologe
Affiliations York University (Toronto) Internationales Institut für Arbeitsfragen
Publishing years Series Power and production (2) RIPE series in global political economy (1) Studien der Forschungsgruppe Europäische Gemeinschaften (FEG) (1) Multilateralism and the UN system (1) Parlament, Beil.: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (1) International organziation, vol. 25, No. 3 (1)