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142 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. 20 years in the European Union : foreign direct investments and the process of integration
Sass, Magdolna;2024
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

2. Aspects of European competitiveness : in the light of the Hungarian Presidency
Csontos, Tamás; Éltető, Andrea; Sass, Magdolna;2024
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

3. Gravity models with TiVA data : do they bring new results?
Fertő, Imre; Kheyirkhabarli, Mahammad; Sass, Magdolna;2024
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link
4. The impact of the crisis on and crisis-handling patterns in foreign-owned companies in Hungary
Sass, Magdolna; Gál, Zoltán; Gubik, Andrea S.; Szunomár, Ágnes; Túry, Gábor;2021
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link
5. Perceptions of Industry 4.0 in Visegrad firms
abstractThe definition and understanding of the Industry 4.0 concept vary widely in the literature and among practitioners. The objective of our research was to analyse the perceptions of Industry 4.0 in the Visegrad companies and the explanations for the differences thereof; and second, to compare perceptions of Industry 4.0 between Visegrad firms and experts. Our article relies on a combined methodology: analysis of literature and of information gained from questionnaire-based semi-structured interviews, conducted with randomly selected company representatives, academic and industry experts, and representatives of government agencies. Our results show that most Visegrad firms identify Industry 4.0 only with a limited set of selected new technologies, while experts usually have a more complex understanding of it, identifying it with a new business model. It would be important to have a clearly defined concept in order to elaborate related nationwide strategies and related economic and other policy tools.
Götz, Marta; Sass, Magdolna; Éltető, Andrea;2021
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
6. Gravitációs modellek új és hagyományos külkereskedelmi adatokkal
Fertő, Imre; Kheyirkhabarli, Mahammad; Sass, Magdolna;2023
Availability: Link

7. ‘Space-time dents’ in global value chains – The Hungarian case
Gáspár, Tamás; Sass, Magdolna;2023
Availability: Link

8. Foreign trade relations of Hungary with China: A global value chain perspective
Gáspár, Tamás; Sass, Magdolna; Koppány, Krisztián; Bi, Shulei;2023
Availability: Link

9. Changes in automotive value chain participation on the integrated periphery – The case of Czechia and Hungary
Gáspár, Tamás; Sass, Magdolna; Vlčková, Jana; Koppány, Krisztián;2023
Availability: Link

10. Disentangling the semi-periphery : evolutionary trajectories and perspectives of the Austrian and Hungarian automotive industries
Szalavetz, Andrea; Sass, Magdolna;2023
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link