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GND: 128576081
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Working paper series / United Nations University, UNU-MERIT (2)
EUI working papers (2)
Discussion paper / A (2)
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (2)
Strüngmann Forum reports (2)
The Graz Schumpeter lectures (2)
Discussion paper / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Sonderforschungsbereich 373 Quantifikation und Simulation Ökonomischer Prozesse (1)
Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems : LNEMS (1)
The ASSET series (1)
Studies / European Comission, Science, Research and Development (1)
Alternative methodologies for modelling evolutionary dynamics (1)
International symposia in economic theory and econometrics (1)
EUI monographs in economics (1)
Discussion paper / B (1)
The significance of testing in econometrics (1)
Papers and proceedings of the ... annual congress of the European Economic Association (1)
Diversité technologique et cohérence en Europe (1)
Discussion paper / Projektgruppe Theoretische Modelle, Sonderforschungsbereich 21, Ökonomische Prognose-, Entscheidungs- und Gleichgewichtsmodelle, Institut für Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Bonn, Wirtschaftstheoretische Abteilung (1)
Revue d'économie industrielle (1)
Journal of economic behavior & organization : JEBO (1)
New Economic Windows (1)
Evolutionary economics and social complexity science (1)
Springer Proceedings in Complexity (1)
ZEW discussion papers (1)
School of Economics working papers / The University of Adelaide, School of Economics (1)
Working paper series in economics (1)
ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper (1)
CESifo Working Paper Series (1)
Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science (1)
LEM working paper series (1)
Journal of economic dynamics & control (1)
Middlebury College working paper series (1)
Discussion paper series / University of Essex, Department of Economics (1)
Discussion papers of interdisciplinary research project 373 (1)
Graz Schumpeter Lectures (1)
Macroeconomic dynamics (1)
SpringerLink / Bücher (1)
Working paper (1)
Documents de travail / Groupe de Recherche en Economie Quantitative et Econométrie, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Universités d'Aix-Marseille II et III (1)