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Garber, Peter M. Folkerts-Landau, David F. I. Chinn, Menzie David Isard, Peter Mathieson, Donald J. Frankel, Jeffrey A. Taylor, Mark P. Stone, Mark Richard Helpman, Elhanan Kletzer, Kenneth Rojas-Suárez, Liliana Symansky, Steven A. Hutchison, Michael M. Sin, In-sŏk Svensson, Lars E. O. Fernández Arias, Eduardo Verma, Sujata Wickham, Peter Lizondo, José Saúl Isard, Peter Mathieson, Donald J. Walsh, Carl E. Haas, Richard D. Claessens, Stijn Warner, Andrew M. Frenkel, Jacob A. Pak, Yŏng-chŏl Dornbusch, Rudiger Borensztein, Eduardo Mason, Will Edwin Sushko, Vladyslav Shrestha, Sona Leipziger, Danny M. Caprio, Gerard Haas, Richard D. Cheung, Yin-Wong Corden, Max Spinelli, Franco Cline, William R. Folkerts-Landau, David Buiter, Willem H. Kaufman, Herbert M. Stone, Mark R. Kletzer, Kenneth Clower, Robert W. Tryon, Ralph W. Berg, Andrew Berry, Steven Drazen, Allan Claessens, Stijn Burnside, A. Craig Blanchard, Olivier All co-authors capital debt countries international exchange rates entwicklungsländer policy financial markets crises crisis schuldenmanagement market paper external monetary model emerging economic flows rate kapitalmobilität finanzkrise developing currency controls changes schwellenländer mobility recent country domestic bretton wechselkurs woods foreign kapitalverkehrskontrolle private inflows währungsreserven reduction growth evidence creditors governments währungskrise wechselkurspolitik united states intervention real analysis reserves bank finanzmarktregulierung effects periphery values argue suggests banks debtor measure industrial preferences movements economy important kapitalimport flight revived reserve hypothesis buy tax fiscal empirical zins auslandsinvestition management seniority based industrieländer dollar current account adjustment output losses
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Michael P. Dooley Prof. Alternative spellings: Michael Patrick Dooley M. P. Dooley M. Dooley Michael Dooley B: 1944 Biblio: Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ; Vollständiger Vorname: Michael Patrick
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of California Santa Cruz. Department of Economics Internationaler Währungsfonds. Research Department Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco National Bureau of Economic Research
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (29) NBER Working Paper (26) IMF working paper (16) IMF Working Paper (9) IMF working papers (5) International finance discussion papers (4) Working papers series / Office of the Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank (2) A National Bureau of Economic Research conference report (2) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (2) Policy research working paper : WPS (2) Comparative political economy and public policy series (1) Working paper / Foerder Institute for Economic Research (1) Paper / Tel Aviv University, the David Horowitz Institute for the Research of Developing Countries (1) Seminar paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm (1) Development discussion paper / Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University (1) NBER working paper series (1) IMES discussion paper series (1) Working paper series / Centre for Japanese Economic Studies, Macquarie University (1) KIEP working paper (1) National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report (1) Working papers / Santa Cruz Institute for International Economics (1) IDB Working Paper (1) International Finance Discussion, Papers / International Finance Division, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ; 141 (1)