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De Weerdt, Joachim Gibson, John K. Friedman, Jed Dehejia, Rajeev H. Dillon, Andrew Gatti, Roberta Dercon, Stefan Bardasi, Elena Himelein, Kristen Serneels, Pieter Ravallion, Martin Christiaensen, Luc J. Galasso, Emanuela Arthi, Vellore Carletto, Calogero Serneels, Pieter Goldberg, Jessica Lokshin, Michael Gaddis, Isis Filmer, Deon Benjamin, Nancy Claire Poulin, Michelle Shapira, Gil Serneels, Pieter M. Stokes, Andrew Tiererova, Lucia Adhvaryu, Achyuta R. Newhouse, David Locke Torres, Jesica Krutikova, Sofya Poulin, Michelle Iacovone, Leonardo Santini, Massimiliano Recanatini, Francesca Ainsworth, Martha Pörtner, Claus Chr. Strauss, John De Walque, Damien Krutikova, Sofya Nyamete, Andrew Maduko, Franklin Davis, Benjamin Dabalen, Andrew Hammond, Alicia Stock, Wendy A. Kumaraswamy, Sai Krishna Coudouel, Aline Frankenberg, Elizabeth Zezza, Alberto Caretto, Gero Koda, Godlike Herawati, Yulia Pattinasarany, Gregorius D. V. Burke, Kathleen Hsiao, Allan Guven, Melis All co-authors labor survey child tanzania tansania countries data evidence design education results adult effects households economic using statistics hiv growth surveys study work agricultural paper returns effect reporting food variation lower important findings differences impact error little welfare orphanhood bias rates participation age designs questionnaire migration time research low significant different patterns led businesses response informal developing kinderarbeit public questions higher shocks program mortality policy men hours sterblichkeit methods demographic self hunger living sector extent outcomes adults number proxy characteristics consequences social measurement points messung aids use while estimates market country long school respondents literature estimate authors report whether negative people collected information measured health who planning type impacts alternative studies used gesundheit errors force sample panel working analysis programs respondent measuring access run socioeconomic non relative interview poor wage known befragung sub increasing percentage
Composed terms survey experiment experiment tanzania labor statistics survey designs adult mortality household consumption hiv aids returns education child labour women led labor market labor force force participation little known led businesses consequences child sub saharan educational behaviour privater konsum private consumption long run recall bias informal sector developing countries consumption growth percentage points alternative survey statistischer fehler statistical error consumption measurement measured household low income saharan africa questionnaire design prime age standard of living education labor food security randomized survey young adults countries time working hours data collection living arrangements access credit panel data agricultural work wage employment health education internal migration agricultural data labour market data collected consumption survey consumption expenditure statistics critical critical assessing widespread variation variation exists self report lower female proxy self covid pandemic labor education survey methods economic mobility living standards household income determinants child significant effects relative influence item specific specific consumption hunger numbers self reporting participation lower market health health consequences transition adulthood nature measurement income shocks using panel viet nam care child using data safety nets
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Kathleen Beegle Alternative spellings: Kathleen G. Beegle Kathleen Gary Beegle Kathleen Gary Beegle B: 1969
Profession Economist
Affiliations Weltbank Michigan State University Rand Corporation
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (30) Policy Research Working Paper (21) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (18) Policy research working paper (8) World Bank E-Library Archive (8) Policy Research working paper (5) Living Standards Measurement Study working paper (4) Paper is funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP),Policy Research working paper (4) LICOS discussion paper series / LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance : discussion paper (3) Discussion paper series / IZA (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) CSAE working paper / Centre for the Study of African Economies (2) IZA Discussion Paper (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol. , pp. -, 2008 (2) NBER Working Paper (2) Africa development forum (1) A symposium on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa (1) International development working papers (1) Africa development forum series (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol. , pp. -, 2009 (1) Columbia economics discussion paper series / Department of Economics, Columbia University (1) Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (1) World Bank Research Observer (1) LICOS Discussion Paper Series (1) Policy papers / BREAD (1) Africa poverty report (1) World Bank Economic Review;25(3) (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol. , pp. -, 2007 (1) Working paper in economics (1) LSMS working paper (1)