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Dayton, Julia M. Semali, Innocent Beegle, Kathleen Nyamete, Andrew Filmer, Deon Over, Mead Shaw, R. Paul Feyisetan, Bamikale J. Koda, Godlike Hahn Gaubatz, Judith Vaillancourt, Denise Mwabu, Germano M. Van Der Gaag, Jacques Muñoz, Juan Muñoz, Juan All co-authors adult impact countries aids elderly epidemic households sub saharan schooling care poorest bmi child enrollment access tanzania bank country hit hardest death tansania children health deaths hiv research fertility orphan gap parents severe interventions kinder zentralafrika gesundheit fertilität assistance
Composed terms adult mortality sub saharan impact adult aids epidemic access health health care hit hardest saharan africa poorest households central africa impact aids adult deaths hiv aids tanzania impact orphan status mortality tanzania children hit child health health indicators elderly tanzania world bank contraceptive use severe aids hardest death death parent parent adult adult poorest households uneducated uneducated parents parents access important health health interventions mitigate impact immunization measles rehydration salts salts access Ältere menschen elderly people developing countries cote d ivoire epidemic health health elderly deaths children children health health northwestern northwestern tanzania tanzania poverty saharan african african countries measles oral oral rehydration ainsworth semali bmi elderly health care financing poverty aids aids children children schooling schooling targeting targeting dilemma dilemma impact aids assistance evaluation world bank assistance confronting aids schooling fertility fertility contraceptive use study
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Martha Ainsworth B: 1955 Biblio: Consultant to the Development Research Dep. of the World Bank
Publishing years Series Living Standards Measurement Study working paper (8) Policy Research Working Paper (3) Policy research working paper : WPS (3) A symposium on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa (2) World Bank discussion paper (2) Working papers / Population Council, Policy Research Division (1) Operations evaluation studies (1) Policy research working paper (1) A World Bank policy research report (1) World Bank discussion papers (1) Symposium on investments in women's human capital and development (1) AFTPN technical working paper series (1) World Bank staff working papers (1)