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GND: 129218294
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The result list below will be reduced to the selected search terms. The terms are generated from the titles, abstracts and STW thesaurus of publications by the respective author.
Série des documents de travail / Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (14)
IZA Discussion Paper (13)
Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (13)
Working paper (8)
CEE discussion papers (3)
Documents de travail (2)
Discussion paper (2)
Développements récents de l'analyse économique (2)
CESifo Working Paper (1)
IAAEU discussion paper series in economics (1)
Labour economics : official journal of the European Association of Labour Economists (1)
FEEM Working Paper (1)
CESifo working papers (1)
CEMMAP working papers / Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (1)
IDEI working papers (1)
Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung WZB, Abteilung Arbeitsmarktpolitik und Beschäftigung : Forschungsschwerpunkt Bildung, Arbeit und Lebenschancen (1)
Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) (1)
Inégalités, progrès technique et internationalisation (1)
Mesurer la pauvreté aujourd'hui (1)
La France, l'Europe. Xeme [dixième] Plan 1989 - 1992 (1)