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Mathias Thoenig Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: M. Thoenig
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Oxford Université de Lausanne. Département d'Econométrie et d'Economie Politique Centre national de la recherche scientifique Centre de Recherche et d'Action Sociales (Paris) Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées Université de Genève
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (20) Discussion papers / CEPR (9) OxCarre research paper / Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, Department of Economics, University of Oxford (3) Working paper (3) Working paper series / University of Zurich, Department of Economics (2) CESifo working papers (2) IZA Discussion Paper (2) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) Working paper series / University of Zurich, Department of Economics : working paper Nr. ... (2) Banque de France Working Paper (1) Cambridge working papers in economics (1) University of Zurich Economics Working Paper (1) Documents de travail / Banque de France (1) Sciences Po Economics discussion paper (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) University of Zurich, UBS International Center of Economics in Society, Working Paper (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) Yale University Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper (1) GATE Working Paper (1) Cahiers de recherches économiques (1) NBER working paper series (1) Discussion papers (1)