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Bureau, Jean-Christophe Laborde Debucquet, David Cortes, Olivier Gouel, Christophe Decreux, Yvan Fontagné, Lionel Bouët, Antoine Bchir, Mohamed Hedi Nicoletti, Giuseppe Guérin, Jean-Louis Martin, Will Bontout, Olivier Jiménez, Miguel Guimbard, Houssein Sztulman, Aude Bas, Maria Bombarda, Pamela Orefice, Gianluca Mayer, Thierry Hijzen, Alexander Fouquin, Michel Matthews, Alan Causa, Orsetta Wanner, Isabelle Cette, Gilbert Bensidoun, Isabelle Pisani-Ferry, Jean Candau, Fabien Bontout, Olivier Causa, Orsetta Lefebvre, Kevin Véron, Nicolas Guimbard, Houssein Gozlan, Estelle Iwata, Kazumasa Kastrop, Christian Mitaritonna, Cristina Loewald, Christopher Mulder, Nanno Cortes, Oliver Bellora, Cecilia Gohin, Alexandre Sapir, André Pichot, Xavier All co-authors trade market countries impact tariff agricultural developing handelsliberalisierung doha product handelsabkommen products firms wage premia average france optimal frankreich international sensitive negotiations labour paper arbeitsmarkt gains policies data price country access applied policy storage entwicklungsländer food benefits effect impacts variety model domestic likely liberalization small consequences protection world non außenwirtschaftspolitik lohnstruktur love evidence round level agraraußenhandel unemployment different based detailed arbeitslosigkeit open tariffs multilateral effects bound cuts oecd prices public welfare formulas demand economic zoll skills stabilization duties equilibrium immigrants commerce using fachkräfte analysis agreements assessment economy issues agreement travail measures firm interventions worldwide preferential manufacturing
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Sébastien Jean Alternative spellings: S. Jean Place of Activity: Paris
Profession Economist Sachbuchautor
Affiliations Institut national de la recherche agronomique (Paris) Centre d'Études Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales OECD
Publishing years Series Working paper (24) Document de travail / Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (13) OECD Economics Department Working Papers (4) Working papers / OECD, Economics Department (4) CESifo working papers (4) Research papers / Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (4) CESifo Working Paper (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (2) International economics : a journal published by CEPII (Center for research and expertise on the world economy) (2) Policy research working paper : WPS (2) Employment papers (1) Research paper (1) ENEPRI working paper (1) World Bank Economic Review;24(3) (1) Working paper / ENEPRI, European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes (1) OECD food, agriculture and fisheries papers (1) Paper is funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP),Policy Research working paper (1) World Bank Economic Review (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) Economics : the open-access, open-assessment e-journal (1) Policy contribution (1) Economics : the open-access, open-assessment journal (1) Mondialisation, convergence et inégalités (1)