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Boysen, Ole Newman, Carol Bureau, Jean-Christophe Miller, Ana Corina O'Toole, Ronnie Boysen-Urban, Kirsten Jean, Sébastien Henchion, Maeve Laroche-Dupraz, Cathie Mulvey, Michael Brooks, Jonathan McAleese, Dermot O'Donoghue, Cathal Donnellan, Trevor Chaplin, Hannah Jensen, Hans G. Brockmeier, Martina Walsh, Keith Trede, Karl-Joachim Mittenzwei, Klaus Gohin, Alexandre Soldi, Rossella Hart, Kaley Banse, Martin Gallezot, Jacques Dixon, Janine M. Cave, Frank West, Chris Söder, Mareike Gocht, Alexander MacCarthy, Siobhan Freund, Florian Drogué, Sophie Riordan, Brendan O'Neill, Suzanne Ingersent, Kenneth A. O'Neill, Susanne Leavy, Anthony Thagesen, Rikke Hartmann, Monika Stepanyan, Davit Heidecke, Claudia Osterburg, Bernhard De Maria, Federica All co-authors agricultural irland ireland countries policy entwicklungsländer agrarpolitik developing agraraußenhandel agriculture landwirtschaft handelsliberalisierung european cap economic irish development impact support security climate wirkungsanalyse paper agreement ernährungssicherung handelsabkommen impacts domestic liberalization außenwirtschaftspolitik agri sector poverty model new implications uganda doha handelspräferenzen research action future common partnership agrarsubvention
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Alan Matthews Prof. Alternative spellings: A. Matthews Biblio: Department of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Profession Hochschullehrer Economist
Publishing years Series IIIS discussion paper series (17) Trinity economic papers (13) Trinity economics papers : TEP (7) IIIS Discussion Paper (3) Undercurrents (2) Trinity economic papers / Policy paper (2) UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy discussion paper series (1) OECD food, agriculture and fisheries papers (1) OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers (1) Working paper (1) Agrarökonomische Monographien und Sammelwerke (1) Working paper / Agriculture, forestry and rural development series (1) Redefining the roles for European agriculture (1) Agrarökonomische Diskussionsbeiträge (1) Frankfurter volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge (1) Paper (1)