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Lim, Guay C. Asilis, Carlos M. Yoshino, Naoyuki McAdam, Peter Lai, Jennifer Siddiqui, Anjum Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus Rojas-Suárez, Liliana Heer, Burkhard Maußner, Alfred Nickelsburg, Gerald Fagan, Gabriel Chen, Hongyi Honohan, Patrick Yetman, James Lai, Jennifer Te Bollard, Alan E. Cao, Shiyun Browne, F. X. Neftci, Salih N. Harrison, Michael J. Corbo, Vittorio Barbosa, Fernando de Holanda Driskill, Robert Allen Duffy, John Valente, Giorgio Niehans, Jürg Lothian, James R. Gu, Li Yan, Isabel K. M. Lai, Jennifer T. Chow, Hwee-kwan Bigman, David All co-authors policy rate exchange financial geldpolitik rules monetary money economy model models capital market country banking trade shocks prc open japan income macroeconomic hong kong spillovers banks neural analysis estimation paper results stressed finanzpolitik schätzung wechselkurs volatility learning crisis prices
Composed terms monetary policy fiscal policy kleine offene volkswirtschaft small open economy neural networks exchange rate neuronale netze exchange rate policy financial market regulation small open policy rules quantitative easing dynamisches gleichgewicht dynamic equilibrium volatility spillovers quantitative lockerung regelbindung versus diskretion rules versus discretion Öffentliche schulden public debt inflation targeting currency substitution stressed country bayes statistik bayesian inference financial crisis open economy macroeconomic policy new zealand financial liberalization banking sector prc banking results suggest non stressed offene volkswirtschaft interest rate impact assessment eu staaten eu countries us dollar economy model policy performance forecasting inflation thick models managed exchange tax rate taylor rule money demand bayesian estimation contagion effect taylor regel income distribution learning process inflation convergence model assess hong kong machine learning people republic republic china prolonged crisis crisis quantitative easing abroad trade financial financial openness money age age distribution capital mobility central bank latin america
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