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Servén, Luis Calderón, César A. Loayza, Norman Elbadawi, Ibrahim Corbo, Vittorio Mishkin, Frederic S. Morandé, Felipe Fuentes S. M., J. Rodrigo Herman, Alexander Soto, Raimundo Corsetti, Giancarlo Landerretche, Oscar Easterly, William Kaltani, Linda Duncan, Roberto Walsh, Carl E. Hernández, Leonardo Grigoli, Francesco Hochreiter, Eduard Winckler, Georg Arrau, Patricio Bebczuk, Ricardo Gallego, Francisco A. Chumacero, Rómulo A. Valdés, Rodrigo O. Solimano, Andrés Werner, Alejandro M. Bennett, Herman Grigoli, Francesco Serven, Luis McNelis, Paul D. Webb, Steven Benjamin Tapia, Matías Jadresić, Esteban Khadr, Ali Larraín, Mauricio Soto, Claudio Lefort, Fernando Marshall, Jorge Jara R., Alejandro Mauro, Paolo Agénor, Pierre-Richard Müller, Tobias Burnside, Craig Vergara, Rodrigo De Gregorio, Jose Rodríguez, Carlos Alfredo Marshall, Jorge Valdés Prieto, Salvador McMahon, Gary Tello, José Carlos Muñoz, Francisco Calderón Meléndez, César Calani, Mauricio Tapia, Mikel Arraño, E. Tapia G., Matías All co-authors growth saving macroeconomic policy countries fiscal chile world targeting geldpolitik policies financial paper monetary aid rate country wirtschaftswachstum private determinants development sparen savings inflationssteuerung evidence empirical exchange income shocks finanzpolitik rates performance post real latin rer aggregate data different effects research public pension america external lateinamerika conflict using developing results integration foreign sector term large economic reform behavior entwicklungsländer una based model adjustment new project panel wirtschaftspolitik institutions rules long key overvaluation schock shock economy openness changes industrial finanzkrise cross deficits wirkungsanalyse rule cyclical trade institutional choice targets domestic wechselkurssystem sparquote lessons experience time crisis overview monetaria series effect central distribution economies role del zimbabwe while literature second including peace findings simbabwe catch raise money national non recent factors decade union drives make ahorro
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Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Dunker Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Dunker Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Dunker Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel-Dunker Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Klaus S.-Hebbel Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel D. K. Schmidt-Hebbel B: 1955 Biblio: Internat. consultant and advisor; Professor of Economics; Principal Economist in the Research Department of the World Bank in Washington; member of the Financial Advisory Board of Chile's Sovereign Wealth Funds to the Minister of Finance, the Advisory Committee of Chile’s Fiscal Rule to the Minister of Finance, and the Board of Directors of Pension Fund AFP Habitat; various positions in the OECD Economics Department in Paris; Chief of Economic Research at the Central Bank of Chile Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Instituto de Economía Universidad de Chile Massachusetts Institute of Technology Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Banco Central de Chile Weltbank OECD
Publishing years Series Documentos de trabajo / Banco Central de Chile (44) Policy, research and external affairs working papers : WPS (15) Policy research working paper : WPS (13) Documento de trabajo (8) Banca central, análisis y políticas económicas (5) Policy Research Working Paper (3) World Bank discussion paper (3) Working paper (3) Documento de trabajo / Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (3) Policy, planning, and research working papers (3) IMF working papers (3) NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) Policy research working paper (2) Documentos ocasionales / Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios (2) Zeszyty BRE Bank-CASE (1) ERF working papers series : working paper (1) Políticas públicas y desarrollo y ajuste de mercados de trabajo (1) A World Bank Publication (1) World Bank discussion papers (1) AERC special paper (1) Economic growth and economic consequences of external shocks in sub-Saharan Africa (1) Central Bank of Chile Working Paper (1) Plenary sessions / African Economic Research Consortium (1) Documento de trabajo / Pontifícia Universidad Católica del Perú, Departamento de Economía (1) International journal of finance & economics : IJFE (1) Documentos de trabajo Banco Central de Chile (1) Central Bank of Chile, Working Paper (1) Working paper series / Czech National Bank (1) Documentos de trabajo / Banco Central de la República Argentina, Investigaciones Económicas (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) IMF Working Paper, WP/14/204 (1) World Bank Economic Review (1) IMF Working Paper (1) CASE network studies & analyses (1) Documentos de política económica (1)