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Dillinger, William Cukierman, Alex Gonzalez, Christian Y. Liu, Lili Rosenblatt, David Giugale, Marcelo M. Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus Corsetti, Giancarlo Haggard, Stephan Neyaptı, Bilin Liu, Lili Corbo, Vittorio Korobow, Adam Gonzalez, Christian Y Rodriguez, Pedro Fischer, Stanley Kindleberger, Charles P. Schuker, Stephen A. Fornasari, Francesca Haan, Jakob de Zou, Heng-fu Perry, Guillermo González, Christian Y. Schmid, Juan Pedro Mosqueira Medina, Edgardo Villar, Azul del Zweynert, Joachim Sommariva, Andrea All co-authors fiscal subnational laws government governments responsibility federal national central argentina argentinien brazil political tax brasilien transfers latin macroeconomic countries rules colombia finanzbeziehungen kolumbien mexico economic problems mexiko management discipline experience america international paper level prudence bank stabilization commitment stabilizing deficits evidence country help region länderfinanzen lateinamerika entwicklungsländer intergovernmental new sub state authors states finanzpolitik haushaltskonsolidierung germany framework spending effects policy short peru policymakers law make support common finanzrecht finanzausgleich wirtschaftspolitik geldpolitik democracies borrowing bargaining decentralization german caribbean revenue sharing long australia india time collection capital levels australien
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Steven Benjamin Webb Dr. Alternative spellings: Steven B. Webb B: 1947
Profession Economist
Affiliations Weltbank Yale University University of Chicago
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (7) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (2) Policy Research Working Paper (2) Policy Research working paper (1) Discussion paper / Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (1) World Bank Latin American and Caribbean studies / Viewpoints (1) Sector studies / International Center for Economic Growth (1) Occasional papers / International Center for Economic Growth (1) A World Bank book (1) World Bank symposium (1) Policy, research and external affairs working papers : WPS (1)