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Joshua Rauh Alternative spellings: Joshua D. Rauh Josh Rauh
Profession Economist
Affiliations Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Hoover Institution Stanford University. Graduate School of Business National Bureau of Economic Research J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Department of Finance (Evanston, Ill.) Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Economics University of Chicago. Graduate School of Business
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (17) NBER Working Paper (15) Stanford University Graduate School of Business research paper (7) Discussion papers / CEPR (4) NBER working paper series (4) Simon Business School working paper (2) Working paper series (2) Global economics paper (2) Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper (2) CFS working paper series (1) LSF research working paper series (1) Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University working paper series (1) Working papers / U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (1) AEI economics working paper (1) FEDS Working Paper (1) Working paper (1) Finance and economics discussion series (1) Hoover Institution Press publication (1) Chicago GSB Research Paper (1) CRSP Working Paper (1) Journal of public economics (1) Working papers / Office of Tax Policy Research (1) Working paper series / Center for Research in Security Prices (1) Discussion papers / Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (1)