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Berk, Jonathan B. Koijen, Ralph S. J. Brandt, Michael W. Opp, Christian Lopez-Lira, Alejandro Liu, Binying Han, Xiao Grotteria, Marco Xing, Ran Rubio-Ramírez, Juan Francisco Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús Ruan, Hongxun Yang, Jie Han, Jungsuk Graham, John R. Boons, Martijn Tamoni, Andrea Hueskes, Wouter Sharma, Varun Mukhopadhyay, Mayukh Bryzgalova, Svetlana Diamond, William F. Novy-Marx, Robert Rauh, Joshua Han, Xiao Engle, Robert F. Vrugt, Evert Hua, Sophia De Jong, Myrthe Broeders, Dirk Schulz, Florian Diamond, William Wachter, Jessica Vrugt, Evert B. All co-authors mutual fund asset skill investment investmentfonds model term value pricing using risk zinsstruktur expectations optimal firms rates structure earnings market charlatans cross effectiveness life investments covid firm anomalies models use investors cost sectional current machine learning based dynamic average year short biases stock funds capm returns measure decisions kapitaleinkommen aktienmarkt policy long debt used companies analysts future variation conditional preserving real yields benefit dividend marginal forecasts benchmark forecast large money prognose kapitalmarkttheorie unternehmenserfolg dividende impact monetary liabilities performance professions preventive results level literature coronavirus risikopräferenz qualifikation allocation years economic revealed labor dividends managers skilled million associated corporate higher time biased return predictability
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Jules H. van Binsbergen Dr. Alternative spellings: Jules van Binsbergen Jules H. Van Binsbergen Biblio: MA in Financial Econometrics, Tilburg Univ. 2002
Profession Economist
Affiliations Centre for Economic Policy Research Wharton School National Bureau of Economic Research J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management Stanford University. Graduate School of Business Fuqua School of Business Universiteit van Tilburg
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (17) Working papers / Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research (9) NBER Working Paper (8) Discussion papers / CEPR (4) NBER working paper series (4) Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research Paper (3) Stanford University Graduate School of Business research paper (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper (1) Swedish House of Finance research paper (1) Swedish House of Finance Research Paper (1) Simon Business School working paper (1) Research paper series / Swiss Finance Institute (1) Working papers / Penn Institute for Economic Research (1)