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Hobbs, Jill E. Gaisford, James D. Perdikis, Nicholas Yeung, May T. Phillips, Peter W. B. Loppacher, Laura J. Viju, Crina Smyth, Stuart J. Gordon, Daniel V. Khorana, Sangeeta Cardwell, Ryan Bakhshi, Samira Klein, Kurt K. Hobbs, Anna L. Pavleska, Marija Sawyer, Erin N. Yampoin, Revadee Anderson, C. Leigh Smyth, Stuart Nakuja, Tekuni Kwaczek, Adrienne S. Kimbugwe, Kato Coomber, Blair Lantz, Matthew Considine, Jennifer I. Shedd, M. S. Isaac, G. E. Reeves, M. A. Hannesson, Rögnvaldur Annand, William Farrell, D. L. Buckingham, Donald F. Moodley, R. Devan MacGivern, D. B. McLachlan, Donald Leo Cullen, S. E. Hobbs, A. L. Hulleman, Vaughn MacKay, Ed Gerber, James Sommerville, Margot F. Apuzzo, A. Atkins, Frank J. Cain, Stephen R. Boyd, Shari L. Tarvydas, Robert Liu, Huanan Escaith, Hubert Schünemann, Franziska Ugochukwu, Albert I. Nolan, James McConnell, Alyse McConnell, Alyse Ferguson-Boucher, Kirsten Williams, Alphanso Innes, Brian G. Ryan, Camille Liu, Hunan Isaac, Grant E. Brocklebank, Andrea M. Maevskij, Vladimir I. Holtby, Kareen L. Bessel, Kristal M. Hobbs, Jill E. Rude, James Henderson, Robert D'A. All co-authors international agraraußenhandel policy außenwirtschaftspolitik new handelsliberalisierung security handelsabkommen agricultural canada global protectionism biotechnology protektionismus ernährungssicherung rules wto issues china biotechnologie economic entwicklungsländer agreements handelspräferenzen immaterialgüterrechte agreement case products canadian freihandelsabkommen außenhandel agrarpolitik economy world dispute future role genetically modified barriers development trading property trips negotiations countries russia consumer economics intellectual book subvention handelskonflikt russland außenwirtschaftstheorie systemtransformation trade free good regulation organisms european african potential harmonization challenges standards important chaos crisis north industry transition russian brazil verhandlungen brasilien rindfleisch protectionist past organization disequilibrium markets productivity states transparency investment sector import animal union non anti solutions environmental protecting business environment implications
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William A. Kerr Prof. Alternative spellings: W. A. Kerr William Kerr William Alexander Kerr B: 1947 Biblio: Tätig am Estey Centre for Law and Economics in Internat. Trade, Canada ; Vollständiger Vorname: William Alexander
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Saskatchewan University of Calgary
Publishing years Series Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (2) Elgar original reference (2) Natural resource management and policy : NRMP (1) Palgrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Turning points : occasional papers in Latin American studies series (1) Water resources and agriculture (1) Discussion paper / Economic Council of Canada (1)