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Walburger, Allan M. Kerr, William A. Clark, J. Stephen Kaushik, Krishan Kanta Hobbs, Jill E. Arbenser, Lawrence Nii Le Roy, Danny G. Meilke, Karl D. Folkins, T. Mooney, Siân Kulshreshtha, Surendra Nath Faminow, Merle D. Richards, Timothy J. Matheson, Robert Thompson, Shelley J. Narayanan, Shankar Lermer, George Rude, James Malla, Stavroula Smith, Elwin Presseau, Taryn Le Roy, Danny G. Tandon, Anupama Arbenser, Lawrence N. Arbenser, Lawrence Xiu, Changbai Elobeid, Amani Zhang, Wencui Zhang, Lijuan Bjornlund, Henning Wang, Jinxia Peterson, Everett B. Grant, Jason Tkatchyk, S. J. All co-authors canada canadian economic alberta time western implications trade led growth india analysis evidence agricultural indien getreide grain health food availability farms factors irrigation technologies impact bse government china series models response relationship policies varieties grains development
Composed terms time series western canadian health risk innovation diffusion agricultural technology exportinduziertes wachstum export led growth 1971 2005 agricultural sciences agricultural soil agricultural market agricultural policy international agricultural trade demand fats fats meats meats united states affected affected health health claim claim risk risk coronary coronary heart heart disease disease issued issued food food drug drug administration administration assessing assessing economic economic implications implications reduced reduced water water availability availability better better management management practices practices representative representative farms farms southern southern alberta
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Kurt K. Klein Prof. Alternative spellings: K. K. Klein Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada
Publishing years Series Water resources and agriculture (2)