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Eisgruber, Ludwig M. Antle, John M. Capalbo, Susan M. Paustian, Keith Hobbs, Jill E. Young, Douglas L. Cobourn, Kelly Islam, Samia Elliott, Edward Klein, Kurt K. Arthur, Louise M. All co-authors riparian residential property plan salmon watersheds agriculture landwirtschaft agricultural influence protection measures values case design carbon change buffers reduce stream study
Composed terms residential property oregon plan plan salmon salmon watersheds influence riparian riparian protection protection measures measures residential property values values case case oregon riparian buffers treed riparian climate protection applications behavioral behavioral experimental experimental economics economics decision decision making making agricultural agricultural food food resource resource sectors sectors introduction introduction multidisciplinary multidisciplinary research research implications implications agricultural agricultural applied applied economists economists influence watersheds design design costs costs measurement measurement protocol protocol trades trades soil soil carbon carbon credits
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Siân Mooney Alternative spellings: Sian Mooney Biblio: Montana State Univ.; Dep. of Agric. Economics and Farm Management, Univ. of Manitoba
Affiliations Arizona State University Boise State University