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Alfaro, Laura Mattoo, Aaditya Otsuki, Tsunehiro Bao, Ge Hong, Junjie Steinwender, Claudia Bai, Jie Wilson, John S. Xu, Daniel Yi Iyigun, Murat Lin, Chuanhao Liu, Jin Chor, Davin Volpe Martincus, Christian Joshi, Sumit Wu, Min Fadinger, Harald Bao, Cathy Ge Moore, Michael O. Moore, Michael Maskus, Keith E. All co-authors firms countries foreign multinational trade standards global production market firm investment gains economic auslandsinvestition crisis evidence domestic ownership developing financial growth paper country level performance reallocation establishments multinationals protection selection aggregate markets frictions agreements china using
Composed terms multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation foreign investment foreign ownership multinational production multinational firms productivity gains global financial establishment performance selection market market reallocation foreign direct direct investment information frictions belt road gains multinational domestic firms business network trademark protection search information global commerce comparative advantage master production schedule komparativer vorteil investment belt surviving global financial crisis crisis foreign paper examines road initiative cross country countries paper multinational subsidiaries performance messung performance measurement regionale wirtschaftsintegration regional economic integration trade effect aggregate productivity technical regulations internationale wirtschaftsbeziehungen international economic relations foreign powers commerce platforms firm level ownership establishment regionalism standards standards good good bad bad trade agglomeration multinational panel dataset internationaler markteintritt international market entry regionales cluster regional cluster designation of origin harmonization of law strategic delays technology development level dataset western firms initiative countries economic characteristics participating countries offshore agglomeration export markets firm selection online handel online retailing international production omnia juncta uno foreign powers trademark protection shanghai shanghai concession concession era frictions global
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Maggie Xiaoyang Chen Prof. Alternative spellings: Maggie Xiaoyang Chen Xiaoyang Chen Maggie X. Chen M. X. Chen Maggie Chen Source:
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Affiliations USA. Budget Office George Washington University. Department of Economics University of Colorado Boulder
Publishing years Series NBER working paper series (5) Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (4) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (4) NBER Working Paper (4) Policy research working paper : WPS (4) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (4) Harvard Business School BGIE Unit Working Paper (3) Policy Research Working Paper (3) Policy research working paper (2) Discussion papers in economics / Center for Economic Analysis, Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder : Working paper (2) Discussion papers / CEPR (2) Documento para discusión (2) NET Institute Working Paper (1) Discussion paper (1) Faculty research working paper series / John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (1) University of Colorado Working Paper (1) Policy Research working paper (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) CESifo working papers (1)