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Claudia Steinwender
Profession Betriebswirtin Wirtschaftsmathematikerin
Affiliations Alfred P. Sloan School of Management Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration London School of Economics and Political Science
Publishing years Series Discussion paper (9) NBER working paper series (8) CESifo working papers (7) NBER Working Paper (6) Discussion papers / CEPR (6) CESifo Working Paper (5) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (5) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (1) Working papers / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Discussion paper / Universität Sankt Gallen, School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economics (1) Working paper (1) WTO working papers (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1)