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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
John Cantwell Prof. of Internat. Economics Alternative spellings: John A. Cantwell J. A. Cantwell J. Cantwell B: 1955
Profession Economist
Affiliations Rutgers University University of Reading
Publishing years Series Discussion papers in international investment and business studies / B (26) Discussion papers in international investment and management / B (12) The globalization of the world economy (6) Discussion papers in economics and management / A / University of Reading, Department of Economics (6) Discussion papers in international investment and business studies (4) Discussion papers in industrial economics / E (4) Studies in global competition (3) Discussion papers in quantitative economics and computing / E (3) The international library of critical writings in economics (3) Routledge studies in the modern world economy (3) Discussion papers in economics / A (2) New horizons in international business (2) Journal of international business studies : JIBS ; an official journal of the Academy of International Business (2) Macmillan reference books (1) United Nations library on transnational corporations (1) Working papers / Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (1) Special issue on technology and innovation (1) Routledge studies in inernational business and the world economy (1) The internationalisation of the innovation process (1) Special issue on localized technological change (1) CRIC discussion paper series (1) JIBS special collections (1) Routledge studies in international business and the world economy (1) Discussion papers in international investment and management (1) DRUID working paper (1) Quaderni di storia economica (1) Open discussion papers in economics (1) University of Reading discussion papers in European and international social science research (1)