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Leibrecht, Markus Altzinger, Wilfried Cantwell, John Reiner, Christian Narula, Rajneesh Römisch, Roman Pfaffermayr, Michael Stehrer, Robert Clement, Werner Damijan, Jože P. Hofer, Reinhold Wild, Michael Chaisse, Julien Duris, Rudolf Maschek, Wolfgang Liebensteiner, Mario Wild, Michael Lall, Sanjaya Pfaffermayer, Michael Oettl, Manfred Rossak, Stefanie Éltető, Andrea Beer, Elisabeth Altzinger, Wilfried Svetličič, Marjan Römisch, Roman Winklhofer, Richard Luostarinen, Reijo Weiss, Andreas Riedl, Aleksandra Ozawa, Terutomo Wild, Michael Johnson, Elizabeth Reiner, Christian Polt, Wolfgang Riegler, Robert Draper, Peter Freytag, Andreas Schorkopf, Frank Mildner, Stormy-Annika Beck, Stefan Tschmuck, Peter Scherrer, Christoph Sprich, Christoph Berghuber, Bernd Herzog, Florian Kukula, Rainer Rehm, Miriam Wiedermann-Ondrej, Nadine Klement, Werner All co-authors investment auslandsinvestition fdi direct tax Österreich austria countries empirical evidence european bilateral central osteuropa rates corporate firms impact taxes ceecs firm multinational domestic results treaties income eastern east country
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Christian Bellak Dr. rer. soc. oec. 1992, Prof. Alternative spellings: C. Bellak Christian J. Bellak B: 1964
Profession Economist
Affiliations Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Institut für Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik
Publishing years Series Working papers / Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (9) HWWA discussion paper (5) Working papers series: growth and employment in Europe : sustainability and competitiveness (4) Department of Economics working paper (3) SFB International Tax Coordination Paper (2) IWI-Schriftenreihe / Internationalisierung (2) Europäische Hochschulschriften / 5 (2) Research papers / Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (2) FIW research reports (2) IWI-Studien (1) CIBR research reports (1) Discussion papers in international investment and business studies / B (1) Forschungsberichte / Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche beim Österreichischen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (1) Working paper / The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) (1) Discussion paper / Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Deutsche Bundesbank / Series 1, Studies of the Economic Research Center (1) Discussion paper / Deutsche Bundesbank (1) Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik (1) Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft : Working Paper-Reihe der AK Wien (1) University of Nottingham Research Paper (1) LICOS discussion paper series / LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance : discussion paper (1) Working paper series / United Nations University, UNU-MERIT (1) Discussion papers / University of Reading, Department of Economics (1) LICOS Discussion Paper (1) University of Nottingham,GEP Research Paper 2009/21 (1) Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper (1) HWWA Discussion Paper (1) ifso working paper (1) ICAE working paper series (1) IWI-Arbeitshefte (1)