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Kincaid, G. Russell Keller, Peter M. Mathieson, Donald J. Mathieson, Donald J. Roubini, Nouriel Dillon, K. B. Puckahtikom, Chanpen Kincaid, G. Russell Kalter, Eliot R. Garber, Peter M. Sanfey, Peter Folkerts-Landau, David F. I. Dooley, Michael P. Halikias, Ioannis Martijn, Jan Kees Bakker, Bas B. Herzberg, Valerie Bennett, Adam Regling, Klaus Peter All co-authors financial international economic developments paper economy policy growth europe capital markets prospects studies kapitalmobilität eurozone south sector new market recent debt flows investment currency early finanzpolitik wirtschaftswachstum südosteuropa finanzsektor finanzmarkt entwicklungsländer policies foundations convergence eastern netherlands transforming euro country issues external restructuring
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Maxwell Watson Alternative spellings: C. Maxwell Watson C. M. Watson ... Watson
Profession Economist
Affiliations Internationaler Währungsfonds Wolfson College (Oxford)
Publishing years Series Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (4) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (2) St. Antony's series (1) SUERF studies (1) IMF staff country report (1) Development studies working papers / Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano (1)