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Goldhaber, Daniel D. Holzer, Harry J. Cowan, James Hannaway, Jane Naito, Natsumi Backes, Benjamin Koedel, Cory Taylor, Colin Li, Feng Figlio, David N. Podgursky, Michael Sass, Tim Roger Miller, Luke C. Xiang, P. Brett Ni, Shawn X. Grout, Cyrus Levin, Henry M. All co-authors college cte choices school likely credentials outcomes study enroll fields value career postsecondary washington state community indicate especially year vocational programs time impacts chosen terms desired attainment market change hochschule education extent changes affect making higher technical pathways disadvantaged students teacher schools transitions
Composed terms cte students washington state students likely likely enroll enroll college year college college students college cte choices outcomes attainment credentials market value students change higher education institution career technical technical education education school school postsecondary postsecondary career career pathways pathways washington college pathways pathways disadvantaged disadvantaged students poverty schools study postsecondary postsecondary transitions transitions students students taking taking cte cte courses courses school school using using administrative administrative data data cohort cohort school school students students washington state findings findings indicate indicate cte college overall overall especially especially year students who who enroll students significantly significantly likely enroll complete complete vocational vocational programs programs especially especially applied applied stem stem public public safety safety fields fields students students enrolled enrolled college likely obtain obtain time years following following school school graduation graduation despite despite reduction reduction year college enrollment enrollment higher higher completion rates vocational credentials cte concentrators college indicate important positive outcomes paper estimate
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Zeyu Xu Alternative spellings: Zeyu Xu Xu Zeyu
Affiliations Urban Institute (Washington, DC) American Institutes for Research. Washington Office Columbia University. National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education (New York, NY)
Publishing years Series IZA Discussion Paper (2) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) Working paper series / Department of Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia (1)