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Mwabu, Germano M. Kanwar, Sunil Huffman, Wallace E. Deolalikar, Anil B. Boyce, James K. Rosegrant, Mark W. Judd, M. A. Gollin, Douglas DeSilva, Sanjaya Singh, Lakhwinder Qimḥî, Ayyāl Pray, Carl E. Lanzona, Leonardo A. Westphal, Larry E. Pray, Carl E. Herruzo, A. C. All co-authors agricultural productivity produktivität international revolution extension agrarwissenschaft change transaction entwicklungsländer agriculture green landwirtschaft intellectual property costs farm
Composed terms developing countries agricultural sciences intellectual property technological change intellectual property rights technischer fortschritt rice production green revolution property rights agricultural extension agricultural technology grüne revolution technology transfer genetic engineering industrial research gentechnisch erzeugtes produkt genetically modified product transaction costs research extension agricultural production revolution varieties property protection labor market market participation total factor factor productivity productivity growth genetically modified productivity change varietal improvement technological spillovers agricultural productivity technology purchase land use intensity farm yields change agriculture economic growth international technological institutional conditions gene revolution research productivity change technology paper argues ländlicher arbeitsmarkt rural labour market manufacturing industries protection spur spur technological gmos prospects crop productivity rural philippine effects agricultural extension farm yields kenya structural productivity genetic resources indian agriculture technology production production technology purchase indian
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Robert E. Evenson Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Bob Everson R. E. Evenson Robert Evenson B: 25. Juli 1934 D: 2. Februar 2013
Profession Economist
Affiliations Yale University. Economic Growth Center Yale University. Department of Economics University of Minnesota Philippine Institute for Development Studies (Makati) University of Chicago
Publishing years Series Center discussion paper / Economic Growth Center, Yale University (23) Center paper / Yale University, Economic Growth Center (18) Discussion papers (9) Handbooks in economics (3) Invention input-output analysis (2) Occasional papers / International Center for Economic Growth (1) Center Discussion Paper, Economic Growth Center, Yale University (1) Discussion paper (1) Working paper / Centre for the Study of International Economic Relations, Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario (1) CGIAR study paper (1) Discussion paper series / Harvard Institute of Economic Research (1) Westview special studies in science, technology, and public policy (1) Food systems and agrarian change (1) The economics of technology : working paper (1) Papers and proceedings / Pakistan Society of Development Economists (1) World Bank technical paper (1) Development Centre studies (1) Technology and innovation in agriculture and natural resources (1) Data base for development analysis (1) UNU INTECH working papers / The United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies (1) Special volume in honor of Gelia T. Castillo (1) EPTD discussion paper / Environment and Production Technology Division, International Food Policy Research Institute (1) Research report / International Food Policy Research Institute (1) Elgar mini series (1) A publication of the Economic Growth Center, Yale University (1)