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Tegene, Abebayehu Rousu, Matthew C. Shogren, Jason F. Just, Richard E. Evenson, Robert E. MacNulty, Mark S. Abdulai, Awudu McFadden, Jonathan R. McCluskey, Jill J. Keng, Shao-hsun Rozelle, Scott Rickertsen, Kyrre Jin, Yu Chen, Zhuo Huffman, Sonya K. Mishra, Ashok K. Goodwin, Barry K. Rapaport, Eliel Castagnini, Raffaella All co-authors agricultural agriculture landwirtschaft public productivity information food evidence agrarwissenschaft produktivität lebensmittel research zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse konsumentenverhalten genetically modified experiment foods labor demand
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Wallace E. Huffman Prof. Alternative spellings: W. E. Huffman Wallace Huffman
Affiliations Iowa State University. Department of Economics Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Instituut voor Economisch Onderzoek (Rotterdam)
Publishing years Series Working paper / Iowa State University, Department of Economics (25) Center discussion paper / Economic Growth Center, Yale University (1)