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Wickens, Michael R. Chortareas, Georgios E. Kapetanios, George Doytch, Nadia Aglietta, Michel Uctum, Remzi Asikoglu, Yaman Vijverberg, Chu-ping C. Kato, Isamu Kato, Isamu Viana, Sandra Deusy-Fournier, Pierre All co-authors sustainability rate latin lateinamerika tests estimation exchange fiscal schätzung america account debt intertemporal policy eurozone nonlinear public current countries euro auslandsinvestition haushaltskonsolidierung foreign sectoral solvency using analysis kapitalmobilität leistungsbilanz haushaltsdefizit finanzpolitik geldpolitik european growth crises finance investigation non linear flows turkey unit root american choice deficit ceilings policies integration international test budget constraint france italy financial economy wirtschaftswachstum strukturwandel türkei wechselkurssystem italien frankreich wechselkurspolitik structural changes convergence direct investment services evidence approach fdi stationarity finances political risk regimes crisis asymmetry ems corporate profits comparison consolidation maastricht challenge deficits markets monetary germany critical evaluation disturbance physical capital accumulation small open alternative support strukturbruch konjunkturzusammenhang konjunktur dienstleistungssektor
Composed terms eu staaten eu countries latin america Öffentliche schulden public debt fiscal consolidation euro area foreign investment internationale staatsschulden international sovereign debt current account monetary policy fiscal policy capital mobility außenwirtschaftliches gleichgewicht external balance budget deficit finance sustainability investigation current account solvency solvency latin america using using non non linear economic growth unit root root tests latin american choice exchange debt deficit deficit ceilings ceilings sustainability sustainability fiscal fiscal policies policies intertemporal intertemporal analysis test intertemporal intertemporal budget rate policy structural change business cycle synchronization nichtlineare regression nonlinear regression exchange rate regime exchange rate policy crises structural foreign direct direct investment nonlinear approach approach public sustainability latin sectoral fdi linear stationarity stationarity tests public finances caribbean countries political risk risk choice exchange rate rate regimes analysis european european integration integration asymmetry asymmetry ems corporate profits international comparison europe maastricht sustainability current account deficits deficits test budget constraint france germany germany italy evaluation exchange foreign rate rate disturbance disturbance financial flows physical physical capital accumulation small support sustainability structural break 1984 1999 us dollar level asia
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Merih Uctum Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Merih A. Uctum Biblio: Dep. of Economics, Brooklyn College, City Univ. of New York, Brooklyn, NY ; Türkischer Herkunft. Ph.D., Queens University
Profession Economist
Affiliations Université Laval. Département d'Economique Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Publishing years Series Research paper / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (9) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) Working paper (2) Document de travail (1) L' Europe entre marché unique et tensions monétaires (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Forecasting (1)