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127 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Special issue in honor of Nancy and Richard Ruggles
Tice, Helen Stone; Ruggles, Nancy D.; Ruggles, Richard;2004
Type: Festschrift; Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors; Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
2. In memoriam: Richard Ruggles (1916 - 2001) : memoir by James Tobin based on his remarks at memorial service, March 9, 2001
Tobin, James; Ruggles, Richard;2001
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal; Biografie; Biography;
3. In memoriam: Richard Ruggles (1916 - 2001)
Wolff, Edward N.; Ruggles, Richard;2001
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal; Biografie; Biography;
4. Pricing systems, indexes and price behavior
Ruggles, Nancy D.; Ruggles, Richard;1999
Type: Bibliografie enthalten; Bibliography included; Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors;
5. The middle years of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, 1962-87
Ruggles, Richard;1999
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
6. Macro- and microdata analyses and their integration
Ruggles, Nancy D.; Ruggles, Richard;1999
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge
7. National accounting and economic policy : the United States and the UN systems
Ruggles, Nancy D.; Ruggles, Richard;1999
Type: Bibliografie enthalten; Bibliography included; Sammlung; Collection of articles written by one author;
8. Pricing systems, indexes, and price behavior : [A selection of 16 essays written between 1940 and 1990]
Ruggles, Nancy Dunlop; Ruggles, Richard;1999
9. [Rezension von: The value added of national accounting]
Ruggles, Richard;1995
Type: Rezension; Buchbesprechung; Buchrezension; Buchkritik;
10. Issues relating to the UN System of National accounts and developing countries
Ruggles, Richard;1994
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;