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Curcuru, Stephanie E. Warnock, Francis E. Wongswan, Jon Beltran, Daniel O. Marquez, Jaime R. Melick, William Robert Cordell, Larry Bertaut, Carol C. Kamin, Steven Fahle, Sean Leahy, Michael P. Dooley, Michael P. Gros, Daniel Bollinger, Thomas R. Marquez, Jaime Krechtmer, Maxwell DeMarco, Laurie Pounder, Laurie Meade, Ellen E. All co-authors prices equity foreign returns current account market relative investors differentials portfolios information investment past markets performance net rebalancing long asset portfolio exchange abs dollar evidence underlying trading expertise theories risk reliability measures trade run holdings crisis using rate intrinsic income suggest data kapitaleinkommen leistungsbilanz cdos direct exposure yields strong values estimates short position measure auslandsinvestition uncovered parity securitization deficit view backed distribution external uep higher currency reallocations relatively behavior potential test existing differential analysis paper accounts questions economies estimated response verbriefung finanzkrise rentabilität profitability außenhandelspreis return abroad canadian key likely value especially significant available owed puzzle large difference winners period term plausible address adjustment new
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Charles P. Thomas Biblio: Staff economist an der International Finance Division des Board of Governors of the Federal Reserce System
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series International finance discussion papers (16) FRB International Finance Discussion Paper (10) NBER Working Paper (5) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (4) Darden Business School Working Paper (1) Working papers / UCLA Department of Economics (1)