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Nusair, Khaldoon Matthews, Kent Alfarhan, Usamah F. Al-Azri, Hamed Gattoufi, Said Hardy, Daniel C. L. Khabari, Yusuf Sharma, Sujeet Kumar Nikhashemi, S. R. Amin, Gholam R. Al-Azri, Hamed Ibrahim Govindaluri, Srikrishna Madhumohan Tarhini, Ali Murthy, Y. Sree Rama Gani, Azmat Al-Busaidi, Kamla Ali Hua, Nan Shamas, Ghanim Alfarhan, Usamah F Al-Amri, Khalid Al-Kiyumi, Aiman All co-authors banking gcc arab structure market bank effects islamic power industry hypothesis technical marktstruktur cooperative country efficient competition differentiating fixed wettbewerb tourism relative financial oman countries conduct estimation scp schätzung fusion merger marktmacht expenditure differentials international tourists learn data analysis model mobile adoption developing gulf cooperation council versus acquisitions competitive conditions share sharing ownership cooperatives paper evaluates context period uses panel examines hypotheses employing measure finds best explained mainstream empirical results support hicks quiet life version article tourismus konsumentenverhalten genossenschaftsbank bankrisiko einlagengeschäft entwicklungsländer innovationsakzeptanz
Composed terms gcc banking arabische golf staaten gulf countries arab gcc banking industry market structure islamisches finanzsystem islamic finance 1993 2002 efficient structure fixed effects electronic banking mobile business islamic banks market power technical efficiency structure conduct conduct performance scp hypothesis struktur verhalten ergebnis paradigma structure conduct performance paradigm technische effizienz expenditure differentials price discrimination cooperative islamic banks learn mobile banking banking adoption bank lending gulf cooperation cooperation council power versus versus efficient structure arab mergers acquisitions structure competitive competitive conditions conditions arab share risk risk sharing cooperative bank evaluates performance performance arab industry context context structure hypothesis period uses panel panel estimation estimation differentiating differentiating bank bank fixed effects country country fixed effects examines examines relative relative market structure hypotheses hypotheses differentiating differentiating employing measure technical efficiency finds finds banking industry arab countries best best explained explained mainstream mainstream scp empirical results results support support hicks hicks quiet quiet life version market decomposition analysis private consumption consumer behaviour bank risk data envelopment analyse data envelopment analysis developing countries innovation adoption
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Saeed Al-Muharrami Alternative spellings: Saeed al-Muharrami
Affiliations Ǧāmiʿat as-Sulṭān Qābūs
Publishing years Series Cardiff economics working papers (2) IMF working papers (1)