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Minford, Patrick Zhao, Tianshu Meenagh, David Degryse, Hans Daley, Jenifer Xiao, Zhiguo Yin, Wei Zhang, Tiantian Thompson, John L. Zhang, Nina Murinde, Victor Le, Vo Phuong Mai Sivarajasingam, Vaseekaran Shepherd, Jonathan Asmild, Mette Al-Muharrami, Saeed Zhang, Xu Naraidoo, Ruthira Zhou, Peng Guo, Jianguang Guo, Jianguang Kronborg, Dorte Powell, Melanie Parkin, Michael Sivarajasingham, Vaseekaran Azali, Mohamed Blackman, Simon C. Chappell, David Ioannidis, Christos Munday, Max Pointon, Charlotte Ong, Kian Long, Iain W. Wang, Baoshun Daley, J. Lungu, Laurian Li, Xiang Whitfield, Keith Booth, P. Peel, David Payá, Ivan Khabari, Yusuf Webb, Bruce Qi, Shouwei Deschamps, Bruno Barros, Lucy Yang, Xiaoliang Huang, Jiayi Mahbub, Tasmina Page, Nicholas Morgan, Peter H. Huang, Wei Glushenkova, Marina Lloyd-Williams, Jean Walters, Alan A. Atingi-Ego, Michael Lee, Chin All co-authors banks bank financial crisis china chinese inefficiency market model relationship evidence period results paper switching monetary firms cost policy study productivity using kreditgeschäft produktivität loan non finanzkrise analysis loans condition distance shocks sme access credit firm kmu effect risk management conditions data unternehmensfinanzierung kredit rational regional industry sector konjunktur owned efficiency commercial state geldpolitik effizienz effects government competition jamaican structure jamaica stock sample branches vicinity availability functional headquarters wettbewerb jamaika lending
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Kent Matthews Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: K. G. P. Matthews Kent Gerrard Patrick Matthews Kent G. P. Matthews Kent G. Matthews K. Matthews K. G. Matthews K. P. G. Matthews B: 1952 Colombo Biblio: Ph. D., Univ. Liverpool, 1984; Univ. Wales, Cardiff, 1996
Profession Economist
Affiliations Zhong nan cai jing zheng fa da xue (Wuhan) Nottingham University. Business School (Ningbo) Cardiff Business School
Publishing years Series Cardiff economics working papers (44) HKIMR Working Paper (3) HKIMR working paper (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) Open economies review (1) IEA Current Controversies Paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) AFI (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) Current controversies paper (1) Discussion papers in economics (1) Department of Economics discussion paper series (1) Economists of the twentieth century (1) Economics today (1) Hobart paperback (1) International economics research paper (1)