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Bade, Robin Powell, Melanie MacTaggart, Douglas Matthews, Kent Findlay, Christopher Nobay, A. R. Nobay, Arelino Romeo Nobay, Avelino Romeo Walker, Michael Sumner, Michael T. Sumner, Michael Thomas Summer, Michael T. Smith, Henry Haberler, Gottfried Morgan, Edward V. Haberler, Gottfried von Carsberg, Bryan Victor Zis, George Grayson, Jackson Laidler, David E. W. Nobay, A. R. Weintraub, Robert E. Brunner, Karl Patinkin, Don Cox, W. Michael King, David Bade, Robin Stone, Daniel F. O'Donnell, Rod Arce M., Daniel G. Smith, Henry All co-authors wirtschaftstheorie foundations inflation macroeconomics makroökonomik monetary
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Michael Parkin Prof. Alternative spellings: John Michael Parkin J. Michael Parkin B: 1939 Biblio: B.A., Univ. of Leicester, 1963; M.A. Economics, Univ. of Manchester, 1970 ; Tätig an der School of Business, Bond Univ.
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Western Ontario. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series Studies in inflation (7) EPRI working paper series (2) Working paper / Centre for the Study of International Economic Relations, Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario (2) Always learning (2) Working paper (2) The Pearson series in economics (2) The Addison-Wesley series in economics (2) World student series (1) The international library of critical writings in economics (1) Addison Wesley world student series (1) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1) Center symposia series / Center for Research in Government Policy & Business, Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester (1) Research report / Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, The University of Western Ontario (1) Surrey papers in economics (1) Economists advisory Group. Business research studies (1) Readings in Political Economy, Institute of Economic Affairs (1) Annual Conference Proceedings of the Association of University Teachers of Economics (1) Readings in political economy (1)