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Putterman, Louis G. Bowles, Paul MacPhail, Fiona Dong Xiao-yuan Ho, Samuel Pao-shan Ding, Sai Fenglian, Du Xu, Lixin Colin Summerfield, Gale Song, Yueping Veeman, Terrence S. Veeman, Michele M. Berik, Günseli Jones, Derek Charles Kato, Takao Chang, Hongqin Li, Shi Unel, Bulent Pandey, Manish Dow, Gregory K. Jia, Nan Jacobsen, Joyce P. An, Xinli Liu, Lan Qi, Liangshu Connelly, Rachel Maurer-Fazio, Margaret Zhao, Yaohui Zeng, Junxia Wang, Xiaobo Fenglian, Du Yu, Yangyang Pang, Xiaopeng Huang, Jikun Long, Wenjin Zhang, Yinyu Reardon, Thomas Anthony Zhang, Liqin Rozelle, Scott Wang, H. Jiangchun, Yang Feng, Jin Buckland, Jerry Zhang, Liqing Zheng, Xiaoying Cook, Sarah Liying, Li Hu, Jie Aslanbeigui, Nahid All co-authors china rural work labor earnings urban industry evidence employee performance state lohnstruktur tenure gender economic chinese agency transition enterprises wages geschlecht lohn profiles data workers firm privatization privatisierung using restructuring employment downsizing systemtransformation reform muslim women market labour wage erwerbstätigkeit frauen care findings zeitverwendung hausarbeit housework geschlechterdiskriminierung human capital time post sector industrie ownership upward sloping owners private firms kinderbetreuung school unpaid paid status patterns large enterprise analysis industrial monopsony provide soes arbeitsmobilität wirtschaftsreform privatwirtschaft monopson
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Xiao-yuan Dong Prof. Alternative spellings: X.-Y. Dong X. Dong Xiaoyuan Dong Biblio: Tätig an der Economics and Management School, Inner Mongolia University, China
Affiliations University of Winnipeg Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (2) Feminist economics (2) The Davidson Institute working paper series (2) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Research paper (1) William Davidson Institute working papers series (1) Theoretical and historical perspectives on Chinese agricultural cooperatives (1)