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All co-authors rural china development evidence privatization privatisierung industry jiangsu economic mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung privatized shandong post employee ownership transition non agricultural asian experience nonagricultural relevance asien asia entwicklungsländer gender segmentation work emerging land markets urban policies practices letting small analysis privatisation enterprises shangdong managerial autonomy firm objectives role local governments survey determinants enterprise wage structures share attitudes postprivatization sustainable south technology transfer effective reform growth patterns issues economics bureaucracy taiwan arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung geschlechterdiskriminierung bodenmarkt
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Samuel Pao-shan Ho Alternative spellings: Samuel Pao-San Ho Samuel P. Ho Samuel P. S. Ho Sam P. S. Ho Biblio: Prof. of Economics, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Publishing years Series World Bank staff working papers (2) Studies on the Chinese economy (1) [Workshop on "Economic Regionalism in the Asia Pacific Region: Implications for Canadian Foreign Policy"] (1) Studies on contemporary China (1)