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Y. Y. Kueh
Alternative spellings: Yak Y. Kueh Yak Yeow Kueh Y. Y. Kueh Yak Yeow Kueh Kueh Yak-Yeow Yiyao Guo I-yao Kuo 益耀 郭 益耀 郭 Yanbang Guo 郭燕邦
B:1937Sarawak Biblio: Dissertation, Universität Marburg, 1966. Lecturer in Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong. - Yak Yeow Kueh, Malaysian Political economy educator. Harvard-Yenching fellow, 1969-1971; senior fellow, Inter-University Council, London, 1977-1978; Commonwealth fellow, Association Commonwealth Universities, London, 1984-1985. Member American Economics Association, Hong Kong Economics Association (member Executive Committee 1975-1983). - 郭益耀: 又名燕邦,祖籍廣東揭陽榕城,大馬砂拉越州出生,歷任香港各大學教授,澳洲馬夸里大學中國政治經濟學研究所創所所長,哈佛燕京學社訪問學人,倫敦亞非學院資深研究員,專書十餘本,署名Y.Y.Kueh,主要由牛津大學出版社 Clarendon 總部出版。近著《 走向中華“帝國”的升平盛世:地緣政治經濟學視角 》及《 不可忘記毛澤東:一位香港經濟學家的另類看法 》,引發八方熱議,聞名遐邇。