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Pedersen, Torben Phene, Anupama Koza, Mitchell P. Jenkins, Mark Mudambi, Susan M. Chacar, Aya S. Jenkins, Mark Yip, George S. Faulkner, David Child, John Marano, Valentina Shenkar, Oded Li, Jiatao Geringer, John Michael Pinch, Steven Henry, Nick Olsen, David M. Mangum, Garth L. Li, Sali Almeida, Paul Phene, Anupama Ambos, Björn Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. Graf, Michael Li, Lee Qian, Gongming Petersen, Torben Raab, Katharina J. Kostova, Tatiana Misani, Nicola Lojacono, Gabriella Hsieh, Linda Teegen, Hildy J. Casson, Mark Buckley, Peter J. Wu, Jie Kim, Sae-young All co-authors strategy global strategic globalisierung globalization wissenstransfer research new topic auslandsinvestition wissensmanagement market enterprises knowledge firm alliance companies business management strategies firms challenges unternehmenserfolg wissen collections emerging world cooperative managing networks technological framework globally perspective dynamic process organizational competitive generation articles change unternehmenskooperation unternehmensnetzwerk survive comments implications entry context mode acquisitions animation innovation spatial facilitate location mne learning
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Stephen B. Tallman Dr. Alternative spellings: Stephen Tallman B: 1950 Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Richmond's Robins School of Business ; Tätig an der Univ. of California, Los Angeles ; Tätig an der Univ. of Utah
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Cambridge elements. Elements in business strategy (1) Global dimensions in business series (1) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1)