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Vinod Thomas Prof. Alternative spellings: Vinod Thomas B: 1949 Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations National University of Singapore Asian Development Bank Weltbank. Country Economics Department World Bank. East Asia and Pacific Regional Office
Publishing years Series The lessons of East Asia (4) World Bank staff working papers (3) Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series (3) ADB economics working paper series (3) A World Bank publication (2) Serie de documentos de trabajo ... (2) IEG study series (2) Policy Research Working Paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) Policy research working paper (1) Discussion paper series / Philippine Institute for Development Studies (1) Development in practice (1) Springer eBooks / Economics and Finance (1) AWorld Bank publication (1) Policy and research series / The World Bank : PRS (1) Policy and research series (1) UNDP-World Bank Trade Expansion Program occasional paper (1) Historia y teoría económica (1) A World Bank Publication (1) The Evolving Role of the World Bank (1)