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Dunning, John H. Hagedoorn, John Cantwell, John Tulder, Rob van Verbeke, Alain Gentile-Lüdecke, Simona Gray, Henry Peter Mirza, Hafiz Van Assche, Ari Halaszovich, Tilo F. Leymann, Gunnar Kotiranta, Annu Jones, Geoffrey Zhan, James Xiaoning Muchlinski, Peter T. Ylä-Anttila, Pekka Utesch-Xiong, Fredrik Tolvanen, Juha Vanhaverbeke, Wim Roijakkers, Nadine Deeg, Richard Edward Jackson, Gregory Li, Jiatao Kehl, Anna Schwesinger, Georg Müller, Stephan Cordes, Christian Rybka, Joanna All co-authors institutional multinational international firms business global auslandsinvestition firm markets mnes internationalisation country environment investment multinationals enterprises research effects emerging institutions
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Sarianna M. Lundan Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Sarianna Lundan Sarianna Maarit Lundan Biblio: Promotionsort: Rutgers University, NJ
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universiteit Maastricht University of Reading. Department of Economics Graduate School (New Brunswick, NJ) Universität Bremen. Universitätsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Internationales Management
Publishing years Series Keskusteluaiheita / Elinkeinoelämän Tutkimuslaitos (4) ZenTra Working Paper in Transnational Studies (3) Progress in international business research (2) Research in global strategic management : a research annual (2) New horizons in international business (2) Progress in International Business Research (1) Research in global strategic management (1) Discussion papers in international investment and business studies / B (1)