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Tille, Cédric Goldberg, Linda S. Christensen, Jens H. E. Wälti, Sébastien Kettemann, Andreas Schumacher, Silvio Grisse, Christian Adler, Gustavo Garcia-Macia, Daniel Assenmacher, Katrin Oman, William Rodriguez, Jair Gautam, Deepali Chang, Kyun Suk Wang, Zijiao Jones, Callum Ahmed Hannan, Swarnali Rebillard, Cyril Cubeddu, Luis Rabanal, Pau Dao, Mai Hansen, Niels-Jakob Harbo Wyplosz, Charles Juvenal, Luciana Hashimoto, Yūko Osorio Buitron, Carolina Grønlund, Asger Munch Osorio-Buitron, Carolina Ball, Laurence M. Gagnon, Joseph E. Honohan, Patrick Christensen, Jens Henrik Eggert Christensen, Jens Sangill, Thomas Reynard, Samuel Sutter, Barbara Spange, Morten All co-authors policy foreign capital pressures currencies risk global lending exchange flow rate bank international flows countries portfolio financial rates balance funding lower paper geldpolitik role bound market factors term banks kapitalmobilität external monetary tools new long index time wechselkurs literature
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Signe Krogstrup Dr. Alternative spellings: S. Krogstrup
Affiliations Danmarks Nationalbank Peterson Institute for International Economics Schweizerische Nationalbank Internationaler Währungsfonds
Publishing years Series IMF working papers (9) IMF Working Paper (8) SNB working papers (6) Working paper / Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Working papers series / Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (2) Working paper / Danmarks Nationalbank (2) Kiel working paper (2) Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) Working paper / Graduate Institute of International Studies (2) NBER Working Paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) FRB of New York Staff Report (1) Geneva reports on the world economy (1) Working paper / PIIE, Peterson Institute for International Economics (1) NBER working paper series (1) Peterson Institute for International Economics Working Paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) University of Zurich, Department of Economics Working Paper (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) Trinity economics papers : TEP (1) Working paper series / University of Zurich, Department of Economics (1)