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Lyons, Bruce R. Clarke, Roger Waterson, Michael Olczak, Matthew Ormosi, Peter L. Clarke, Roger Driffield, Nigel L. Sembenelli, Alessandro Mariuzzo, Franco Clarke, Roger A. Rondi, Laura Aiginger, Karl Dobson, Paul Waddams Price, Catherine M. Coles, Heather Waterson, Mike Dobson, Alan Paul Geroski, Paul A. Morris, Claire Dobson, Paul Caves, Richard E. Smith, Anthony D. Hitchens, David M. W. N. Armoogum, Prishnee Ozawa, Terutomo Bardesi, Hisham Jameel Lyons, Bruce Diaz-Rainey, Ivan Davies, Stephen P. Watson, Philip S. Wilson, Christopher Pike, Christopher De, Oindrila Wilson, Christopher Graffenberger, Martin Harrington, Joseph Emmett Bos, Iwan Ormosi, Peter Bennato, Anna Rita Smith, Anthony D. M. All co-authors european evidence policy remedies wettbewerbspolitik unternehmenskonzentration industrial industrie assessing concentration food cartel competition growth analysis retailing power book kartell wettbewerb markets assessment cases merger buyer structure monopoly competitive authors fusion monopol lebensmitteleinzelhandel collusion market economics pricing diffusion consequences union firms mmc productivity process wirtschaftspolitik mitgliedsstaaten unternehmenszusammenschluss rechtsmittel lebensmittelhandel konsumentenverhalten produktivität changing anti innovation british number effects patterns international energy structural specialisation geographic sides coin leading integration manufacturing sector strategy vertical britain germany paper adopted pharmaceuticals examine work supermarket chains countries use suppliers case studies deterrence kartellrecht rechtsdurchsetzung betriebsgröße innovationsdiffusion schätzung estimation fusionskontrolle marktmacht grossbritannien face trust world big tech versus monopolisation mergers hard disk drive think tanks formation revival classical liberal tale tails breakdown tariff
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Stephen Davies Alternative spellings: Stephen William Davies Stephen W. Davies S. W. Davies Steve Davies S. Davies B: 1948 Biblio: Prof. of industrial economics at the Economics Research Centre, School of Economic and Social Studies, Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Publishing years Series Occasional papers / The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (2) DTI economics papers (1) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1) Arbeitspapier / Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Johannes-Kepler-Universität, Linz, (1) Surveys in economics (1)