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Davies, Stephen Matraves, Catherine McCloughan, Patrick Moffatt, Peter G. Lam, Wing Man Wynne Ulph, David Bailey, Susan Mehta, Judith Winters, Leonard Alan Vaughan, Richard N. Davies, Steve Garrod, Luke Davidson, Russell Gasiorek, Michael Zizzo, Daniel John Menzies, Gordon Douglas Li, Yan Kassim, Hussein Zhu, Minyan Sekkat, Khalid All co-authors european mergers remedies market effects wettbewerbspolitik policy
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Bruce R. Lyons Alternative spellings: Bruce Lyons B. Lyons Biblio: Tätig am St. John's College, Cambridge, UK; Lecturer in Economics at the Univ. of East Anglia
Publishing years Series Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung : Forschungsschwerpunkt Markt und politische Ökonomie (2) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1) EUI working paper / RSC (1) Special issue on contracts and competition (1) Liverpool research papers in economics, finance and accounting (1) Surveys in economics (1)