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GND: 137222971

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social securitysoziale sicherheitdevelopment socialsupplemental securitysecurity incomesocial historygesetzliche rentenversicherungpublic pension systemsecurity americaamerica welfarewelfare supplementalsocial policysecurity actprogram providesÖffentliche sozialleistungensocial security benefitspension policypension financeincome socialpolicy welfareincome rolerole americaamerica socialpolicy briefbrief historyhistory socialsecurity developmentamerica decisondecison excludeexclude agriculturalagricultural domesticdomestic workersworkers socialact socialsecurity documentarydocumentary historyhistory financialfinancial socialsecurity reexaminationreexamination financingfinancing policypolicy periodperiod articlearticle examinesexamines historicalhistorical originsorigins legislativelegislative developmentsecurity programprogram focusingfocusing contributorycontributory socialsocial insuranceinsurance programprogram introducedintroduced titletitle socialact articlearticle tracestraces majormajor amendmentsamendments originaloriginal programprovides datedate descriptiondescription majormajor provisionsprovisions articlearticle concludesconcludes briefbrief overviewoverview debatepillar socialincome ssissi writtenchief historian

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Years of publications: 2002 - 2015

12 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Building urban resilience : Singapore's policy response to COVID-19


"This is one of the first few books to discuss the Covid-19 crisis as an urban phenomenon and illustrates this through the case of Singapore and its pandemic response efforts. The book describes the implications and impacts of the pandemic on Singapore's urban landscape, economy and society. It also assesses the urban interventions that have emerged in response to the pandemic. It examines the spatial implications and challenges of delineating safe distancing in various public and commercial spaces and evaluates the effectiveness of these interventions. The book also explains how Singapore's smart city capabilities help with its Covid-19 response. This book will be of great interest to urban planners, healthcare professionals and policymakers across the world, particularly those who are hoping to learn from the success and limitations of Singapore's Covid-19 responses"--

Woo, Jun Jie; Loo, Debbie R.;
Availability: Link Link

2. Singapore's social policy response to Covid-19 : focusing on jobs and employment


As a major hub for global trade and travel, Singapore was badly affected by the Covid-19 global pandemic. However, the city-state has since managed to curb local transmission of the coronavirus and return employment levels to pre-pandemic levels. These positive outcomes are a result of Singapore’s social policy response to Covid-19. In this report, I highlight the range of labour market interventions that were implemented to maintain employment and blunt the economic impacts of the pandemic. These include a Jobs Support Scheme that subsidised a significant portion of the resident wage bill for firms and employers, a Self-Employed Income Relief Scheme to support self-employed persons, and a Covid-19 Support Grant to help those who were laid off from their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic. A range of cash pay-outs and subsidies were also provided to households and citizens while subsidies and grants were introduced to support retraining and education in the Singaporean workforce. In sum, Singapore’s social policy response to Covid-19 has focused on maintaining employment and self-sufficiency among its resident population, with financial support provided to the poor and unemployed.

Woo, Jun Jie;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link The PDF logo

3. The evolution of the Asian developmental state : Hong Kong and Singapore


Introduction -- Developmental states : a conceptual overview -- Singapore Inc. -- Hong Kong : administrative developmental state -- Becoming smart cities -- Conceptual and theoretical implications -- The smart developmental state

Woo, Jun Jie;

4. 3-in-1 : governing a global financial centre


"Provides a comprehensive understanding of Singapore's past development and future success as a global financial centre. It focuses on three transformational processes that have determined the city-state's financial sector development and governance--globalisation, financialisation, and centralisation--and their impacts across three areas: the economy, governance, and technology. More importantly, this book takes a multidimensional approach by considering the inter-related and interdependent nature of these three transformational processes. Just like the 3-in-1 coffee mix that is such an ubiquitous feature of everyday life in Singapore, the individual ingredients of Singapore's success as a global financial centre do not act alone, but as an integrated whole that manifests itself in one final product: the global financial centre"--

Woo, Jun Jie;

5. Instrument constituencies and transnational policy diffusion : the case of conditional cash transfers

Béland, Daniel; Foli, Rosina; Howlett, Michael; Ramesh, M.; Woo, Jun Jie;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
Citations: 19 (based on OpenCitations)

6. Urban innovation policy in the postdevelopmental era : Lessons from Singapore and Seoul

Hartley, Kris; Woo, Jun Jie; Chung, Sun Kyo;
Availability: Link
Citations: 2 (based on OpenCitations)

7. Singapore as an international financial centre : history, policy and politics

Woo, Jun Jie;
Availability: Link
Citations: 12 (based on OpenCitations)

8. Singapore and Switzerland : secrets to small state success

Guo, Yvonne; Woo, Jun Jie;
Type: Fallstudie; Case study; Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors;

9. Business and politics in Asia's key financial centres : Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai

Woo, Jun Jie;

10. Singapore as an International Financial Centre : History, Policy and Politics


This book provides an analysis of Singapore’s development and success as an international financial centre (IFC). Chapters demonstrate how Singapore plays a critical role in both Asian and global financial markets, despite its relatively small geographic size. The author focuses specifically on the factors that have contributed to the city-state’s success and discusses the policy lessons that can be derived from it. The book describes the historical, spatial, political and policy factors that contributed to Singapore’s development as a leading Asian financial centre and global city, and will be of interest to both policy scholars and practitioners

Woo, Jun Jie;
Availability: Link
Citations: 12 (based on OpenCitations)

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Larry DeWitt

Alternative spellings:
Larry De Witt
Larry de Witt
Larry W. De Witt
Larry W. DeWitt

B: 1949
Biblio: former public historian, U.S. Social Security Administration


  • Historiker
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years

